Monday, April 15, 2013

It's "Show Time" at the University of Florida Proton Therapy Institute

Monday morning.  I'm up early.  Nothing unusual about that. Today we drive to Jacksonville and move into the apartment at Third & Main, in preparation for beginning treatment on Tuesday.

Forming this blog has had a two-fold purpose.  I want to have a record of my journey.  I could have done this privately, but I chose to make it public so that it might be of some benefit to others who may walk this road after me.  I want the blog to be categorized so that others who will actually travel this road will have an easy way to read about my experience with the University of Florida Proton Therapy Institute in Jacksonville.

Presently there are three pages about the actual experience with UFPTI.  Phase 1: Consulation tells about the one day visit there on March 5, 2013 and what Judy and I did then.  Phase 2: Staging tells about my three day visit at the UFPTI on March 20-22, 2013 and all that took place during that visit.

Now I are moving into the actual treatment phase,  which is Phase 3: Treatment.  My plans are to write something on that page each day.  If you want to follow along on this journey, that is the page that you will want to read over the next two months.  The most recent post will always be at the bottom of the page.

Also I might add that I seem to be bad about going back and editing what I have already published.

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